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- CheatBook-DataBase 2001 v3.0
- CheatBook-DataBase 2001 is a freeware "cheat-code tracker" that makes hints
- and cheats (for PC-based games) easily accessible from one central location.
- If you're an avid PC gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until
- the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue.
- Covering more than 3,600 Games (with new additions such as No One Lives
- Forever, Age of Empires 2, Delta Force 2, The Sims Livin' Large, Star Trek
- Voyager: Elite Force, Gangsters, Soldier of Fortune, SimCity 3000 Unlimited
- and Icewind Dale), this database represents all genres and focuses on recent
- releases.
- Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window.
- When you click on a game name, the relevant cheat is displayed in a editor
- window, with convenient buttons that let you print the selection or save any
- changes you've made.
- The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on
- your hard drive, use it as much as you want because it's free. -
- Win95/98/2ooo/NT - [FreeWare] -
- http://www.cheatbook.de
- http://www.cheatcontainer.de